First training of the Mobile Hospital for the new owners
On Thursday, May 24th, CADUS and the Kurdish Red Crescent joined together for the first training of the mobile hospital. About 15 Kurdish Red Crescent crew members joined the CADUS project coordinators, infield head of mission, and technician to learn about the operation of the mobile hospital which will soon be utilized in the field.
The CADUS-Crew is showing the Heyva Sor a Kurd/Kurdish Red Crescent-Crew how to unload the tents from the Trucks. Picture: CADUS
Crew members set up the inflatable tents that will serve as mobile operating theater, emergency triage, and other patient care areas. Medical crew members began setup of the operating theater equipment including anesthesia machine, two operating tables, ultrasound equipment, and electrocardiogram equipment.
Setting up of the tents for the Mobile Hospital. Picture: CADUS
The trucks, a green tent for the patient beds and a round surgery tent. Picture: CADUS
They were also able to look at the medical supplies pre-stocked in the mobile hospital including surgical equipment, equipment for minor procedures and wound care, and regular hospital supplies such as IV cannulas and oxygen equipment.
A lot of Input for the HSaK/KRC-Crew. Picture: CADUS
The CADUS technician taught the HSaK/KRC crew about the operation of the mobile hospital including running the generators, flood lights, air coolers, and keeping the mobile hospital trucks and trailers in good working condition. We are very happy about the excellent communication and understanding of HSaK/KRC.
By CadusPR
18 months ago, when we first started, everything happened very quickly. The kid needed a name. We didn't waste a lot of time and thought, too much had to be done... events went head over heels. Anyway, content was more important than the cover.
Die zeitgleich geführten Offensiven verschiedener kurdischer Kampfverbände auf beiden Seiten der syrisch-irakischen Grenze sind vorerst abgeschlossen, beziehungsweise weit genug von unseren üblichen Einsatzorten entfernt. Das hieß für uns, dass sich das nächste Medic-Team letzte Woche auf den Weg machen konnte.
Die Ereignisse in Paris haben auch uns am Wochenende wieder sprachlos zurückgelassen. Ebenso wie die Anschläge in Beirut, Baghdad, im Yemen, in Taiz, in Mokha, in Nairobi; und diese Liste ist nicht abschließend.
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