Short Update from Iraq
Bad news first: the WHO in Syria still hasn't received their funding yet. Unfortunately, they haven't been lent money or a funding advance from their donators either. Meaning that for the moment, we cannot operate a fully-equipped field hospital. We were asked to budget the TSP alone because it's much cheaper than the whole field hospital. We did that on the 10th of march. Now we have to wait again. Either way, we're going to leave Erbil in three to four weeks! Though there is a probability that things may be delayed again due to the Kurdish New Years, the final week in March.
…Read our next update from Erbil here next friday (17th of march 2018)!
Author: Fee Baumann
By CadusPR
18 months ago, when we first started, everything happened very quickly. The kid needed a name. We didn't waste a lot of time and thought, too much had to be done... events went head over heels. Anyway, content was more important than the cover.
Die zeitgleich geführten Offensiven verschiedener kurdischer Kampfverbände auf beiden Seiten der syrisch-irakischen Grenze sind vorerst abgeschlossen, beziehungsweise weit genug von unseren üblichen Einsatzorten entfernt. Das hieß für uns, dass sich das nächste Medic-Team letzte Woche auf den Weg machen konnte.
Die Ereignisse in Paris haben auch uns am Wochenende wieder sprachlos zurückgelassen. Ebenso wie die Anschläge in Beirut, Baghdad, im Yemen, in Taiz, in Mokha, in Nairobi; und diese Liste ist nicht abschließend.
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