Arrived in Kobanê
The odds were against us! “If you want to go to Rojava” so they told us “you can only cross the border from Iraq or illegaly”. One day of waiting in Suruç and countless times of presenting our passports, however finally succeeded in us walking over the turkish-syrian border legally, right on time as the sun went down.
The border appeared like a film set. Warm wind from the west! Train tracks with parked wagons! Silence and a sky full of stars. A turkish military truck with running engine is parked on the border strip. High streetlights with white light accentuate the setting. What's the catch? we thought… will we still have to turn around? No one ever made it over the border before.
After a signature and our fathers' names we eventually passed through a simple metal door.
Off we went throught the gate. We made it. On the other side in Kobane we were picked up. And now we are lying and sweating in the so called guest house. “Unfortunately the restaurant is not yet open. But that will happen soon!”
The sound of clattering generators mixed with cricket chirping lulls us to sleep.
Fotos of the latest journey to Kobanê on the blog of the photographer Christoph Löffler.
Author: by Jan Kout
By CadusPR
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