
Holzmarkt stays!

We have to digress some of the humanitarian aid: the timber market in Berlin is under threat. The last piece of alternative culture on the Spree houses many projects and clubs. Also us.

The alternative club and festival culture from which CADUS was born is close to our hearts.
Many bars, clubs and open spaces of all kinds are threatened in Berlin. The Holzmarkt has been on the collar for some time. First the project "Eckwerk" had to be stopped, now also the only freely accessible and a visit worthwhile piece of Spree shore in the middle of the city should be trimmed. Ban on bargaining after 9 pm and fencing threatens to kill the Holzmarkt.

In addition to many other projects and organizations, we have also found a home on the grounds of the Holzmarkt, not least with our Crisis Response Makerspace and our office.
We clearly stand for the preservation of alternative (club) culture in Berlin and elsewhere! The referendum "Spreeufer für alle!" shows that we are not alone.

That is why we support the call of the Holzmarkt from CADUS and we also hope for your signature.

CADUS supports – support Holzmarkt

Author: by Jonas Grünwald

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