
Good news from the field hospital

Our field hospital is well visited. In addition, we are about to open the expansion with some important features.

The 17 beds in the field hospital of us and our partner organization Heyva Sor are almost completely occupied. At al-Hol camp in northern Syria, we still mainly treat children, but also some women. Most of them are severe cases with e.g. multiple injuries and burns. On average, our patients spend three days with us.

With the constant utilization of the hospital, the opening of the expansion in just a few days comes at the right time. Five to seven additional beds, an examination room, a treatment room for particularly critical cases and two isolation rooms for camp patients with suspected infectious diseases such as tuberculosis are added.

We are especially pleased to finally be able to set up a rest room for our local employees so that we can continue to work together for our patients..

Author: by Jonas Grünwald

By CadusPR

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