• The last open border crossing between Turkey and northern Syria is extended for one year, relief supplies can continue to be delivered to the northwest. 3.2 million people can thus be supplied for another 12 months. What happens afterthose 12 months is still uncertain.

    Published On: July 16th, 2021
  • In einer Zusammenarbeit von CADUS, St. Pauli und Humanilog wurden 1,5 Millionen gespendete, chirurgische Masken an 20 humanitäre Organisationen in Europa verteilt.

    Published On: May 31st, 2021
  • The requirements for equipment used in crisis areas are often quite different from those for normal medical equipment. In our Makerspace, we are currently developing various projects needed for missions. Two of our latest builds are a mobile washbasin and a modular treatment stations for patients.

    Published On: March 9th, 2021
  • Wie ein drohendes Gewitter zog die Corona-Pandemie am Anfang des Jahres 2020 am Horizont auf. Schnell waren weltweit alle Lebensbereiche davon betroffen und auch wir mussten unsere humanitäre Arbeit der neuen Situation anpassen. Ein Bericht, wie es unseren Projekten im vergangenen Jahr erging und wie wir 2021 nutzen …

    Published On: February 3rd, 2021
  • Today, on International Volunteer Day, we only want to say two words: THANK YOU! A huge thank you to all our Volunteers at CADUS. It is only together that we can sustain this organisation, and you play an important part in shaping CADUS and giving it a face.

    Published On: January 28th, 2021
  • 2020 war ein außergewöhnliches Jahr, mit mehr Schwierigkeiten als sonst. Dennoch ist eure Spendenbereitschaft nicht eingebrochen, und das ist phänomenal! Doch in diesem Jahr der unverhergesehenen Dinge sind auch viele ungeplante Ausgaben auf uns zugekommen, während fest zugesagte Förderungen weggebrochen sind.

    Published On: January 28th, 2021
  • Shortly before Christmas, our mission in Camp Kara Tepe on Lesbos officially came to an end. Corinna and Sebastian sum up what they have learned in a presentation at rc3.

    Published On: January 18th, 2021
  • In northeast Syria, everyday-masks are expensive and rare goods. Together with local seamstresses, we have produced and distributed over 8000 masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

    Published On: December 11th, 2020
  • For almost four weeks we have been daily treating the inhabitants of the camp Kara Tepe 2 on Lesvos. Through medical access, we gain an insight into life in the camp. Many clinical pictures repeat themselves again and again. They are probably directly related to the current living conditions there, and range from …

    Published On: November 20th, 2020
  • Two members of our crew, who've been in the camp Kara Tepe 2 talk about the time they spent there. Rebekka (doctor) and Lamin (paramedic) give an account of what it's like to do medical work in a refugee camp. They talk about what frustrated them the most and the new impressions they gained.

    Published On: November 18th, 2020
  • Wir sind nun zusammen mit dem ASB seit zwei Wochen im Camp Kara Tepe 2 auf Lesbos in Griechenland. Ein erstes Zwischenfazit des Einsatzes lautet: it‘s complicated. Wir wollen nicht, dass Menschen in Lagern leben müssen. Faktisch lässt sich der aktuelle Zustand aber nicht kurzfristig auflösen, solange die EU daran kein …

    Published On: November 6th, 2020
  • After a long wait and several failed attempts, it's happening: CADUS is going to Lesvos. In cooperation with the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), we have responded to an official request and are sending a medical team to Kara Tepe 2 (also called Moria 2) to provide humanitarian aid. A small crew from CADUS is already …

    Published On: October 23rd, 2020