• Our technician, Chris has arrived in Erbil to inspect the trucks prior to their departure to Syria. Due to the fact that they haven't been moved for a long time, there are a few items needing to be repaired and serviced. The next step is to get all of the necessary permissions for the passage to syria. If everything's …

    Published On: May 31st, 2018
  • Wir haben es geschafft! Wir sind mit unserem mobilen Krankenhaus in Nordsyrien angekommen. Der lange Atem hat sich gelohnt. Letztlich waren es nur ein paar Meter für die LKWs über den Tigris, aber insgesamt ein langer Weg für das Projekt „Mobile Hospital“.

    Published On: May 25th, 2018
  • On April 10th, we were happy to present the Al-Khansaa children’s and women’s hospital at East Mosul with a donation from FujiFilm SonoSite. The company contributed one of the latest mobile ultrasound devices available on the market. Our volunteer physician, Dr. Henryk Pich (anaesthesiologist, emergency and intensive …

    Published On: April 26th, 2018
  • CADUS is working intensely to prepare the next missions in Iraq and Northern Syria. The Operation Managers in Berlin are recruiting teams and filing requests. CADUS regional manager Fee Baumann is taking care of everything else in Erbil.

    Published On: March 27th, 2018
  • Newroz ist das Neujahrs - und Frühlingsfest der Kurden. Am liebsten wird es in Friedenszeiten draussen gefeiert, in der Natur. Mit Musik, Essen und Tanz. Ein paar Eindrücke aus dem Irak von Fee Baumann.

    Published On: March 21st, 2018
  • Years of conflict and associated therewith the humanitarian crisis in Syria had led to Millions of women undergo violence, hunger and misery. For most of them – free or imprisoned, equal or oppressed, injured and traumatized, hungering and providing – today is a day to fight for their rights!

    Published On: March 8th, 2018
  • The mobile hospital is our biggest project so far. Two and a half years have passed since the idea came into being. We built a mobile hospital based on 4-wheel-trucks in a diy way. For this, we got an incredibe amounnt of support from everywhere, but we also had to overcome many difficulties. January 2018 we will …

    Published On: January 29th, 2018
  • Eine Stellungnahme zum ARTE-Beitrag "Es wirkt, als wenn wir sozusagen der Sanitätsdienst des Militärs wären. [...] Das ist so natürlich falsch." Vor kurzem ist auf arte eine Dokumentation über die Arbeit von CADUS gesendet worden. Wir haben lange überlegt, ob und wie wir den Beitrag bewerben wollen. Unser CEO Sebastian …

    Published On: December 13th, 2017
  • We continue our series and want to present you Kristy. Kristy is a paramedic and made the long way from Australia already the second time to support our crew in Iraq. We are happy to have you here, Kristy!

    Published On: November 20th, 2017
  • And suddenly, the mission was over before it even started. Four members of our team had been on the way to Erbil on 15th of March to deliver urgently needed medical support with our “Mobile Hospital” to the people in northern Iraq. They were traveling, via Istanbul, to Erbil but the journey ended prematurely at the …

    Published On: October 20th, 2017
  • Our mission in Iraq continues and so the medical treatment of the war wounded does. But the latest events in the country bring big problems for us and other organisations for continuing our work. Moreover the development of the situation in the future is unpredictable. Read our now blog post to know how ow we work …

    Published On: October 20th, 2017
  • "It was not some kind of natural disaster creating those injuries, but people committing these atrocities on other people. We were facing the massive machinery of war with our minimal equipment. Would I do it again? Despite much brooding, the answer is yes." Paramedic Malte’s impressions from our TSP in Mossul …

    Published On: October 10th, 2017