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CADUS international disaster response

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CADUS is a non-profit, independent, international emergency response organization from Berlin. In our projects, we provide rapid, needs-oriented emergency aid and promote long-term capacity building on the ground. Thereby we follow humanitarian principles and rely on local cooperation. We work together on creative solutions and share them publicly. Our commitment focuses on four areas:

Emergency response

We provide emergency medical and technical support. Even where no one else helps.


In our missions, we cooperate locally and build capacity together.


We develop creative solutions for needs-oriented support according to the open-source principle.


We discuss humanitarian aid (self-)critically and ask about the causes of crises.

Deployment regions

We are internationally active with our projects. Our work is currently focused on Ukraine and Gaza. But we have also been deployed in Northeast-Syria, Iraq, the Mediterranean and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

  • Four hostages freed and hundreds of dead and injured people - that is the result so far today in Gaza. Two CADUS teams support the care of patients in

    Published On: June 8th, 2024
  • A few days ago, our team in Rafah, Gaza, treated the thousandth patient at the Trauma Stabilization Point (TSP) of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS). Almost a third

    Published On: April 10th, 2024
  • We are delighted by the news of a planned opening of the border in the north and south of Gaza and thus the prospect of more humanitarian aid deliveries.

    Published On: April 5th, 2024
  • We are deeply shocked by the death of seven employees of the aid organization World Central Kitchen. They were killed today in an airstrike on their convoy by the Israeli

    Published On: April 2nd, 2024
  • The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is getting worse. The south is one big refugee camp, the north is completely devastated and threatened by a major famine. The fighting continues. Time

    Published On: March 21st, 2024
  • Nothilfe-Einsatz in Gaza: Berliner Organisation entsendet Team Die Berliner humanitäre Nothilfe-Organisation CADUS entsendet Anfang Februar ein medizinisches Team nach Gaza. CADUS wird damit das erste deutsche Emergency Medical Team (EMT)

    Published On: February 9th, 2024

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